Sunday, September 16, 2018

Journal 5

In today's society there is a constant thought that maybe colored people could be doing something typical from there daily routine and all of a sudden there life changes due to some type of racist act. people live the same lives everyday and the fact that people live in the constant fear or prejudice that could effect the future. The fact that people of color are discriminated against and attacked in almost all walks of life is something that needs to change in society but can never be eradicated. Segregation is still prominent but some people don't even know they do whether they don't wanna talk to someone or fear them for some odd reason.
"I am afraid of cops like spiders are afraid of boots" this quote is a metaphor for a fear of living life everyday. This quote shows how bad it could people for who have done nothing wrong but are under association just because there are stereotypes that bring them down. My brothers are felons but they are not the same people they were but because they made mistakes when they were younger the rest of there adult lives.
"moms have porches so they can sit and wait" this quote is him saying how worried moms are about there children and that they have to wait some nights to know they make it home. This quote is a respect notion towards all moms out there who care about there children and the fact that teens and young adults are always being targeted and profiled. I relate to this because my mother used to wait up all night waiting for my brothers to never come home or get a call in the middle of the night that they are stuck in the drunk tank or need to be picked up from the hospital.

Image result for drug abuse
this photo is something that is relevant in my life because I know many people that have died due to over dosing. My family has very addictive genes my older brothers were all addicts at one point and they have helped themselves but they couldn't get help soon enough. I relate to  this picture because I always tell people to say no to drugs but just like this picture you can see it but the choice is really up to you to make.
So discrimination is something that people do a lot not always just towards people of color but to everyone they may not know. For example I know many of people who have not talked to someone or not excluded someone because the way they looked or acted. what I mean by this is people just assume things about people that are usually negative so that they have to go out of there way to get to know them. the people who are shy or don't wanna talk to people are the ones who assume the most because they believe everyone is against them or is not worth even associating with. I am a very talkative person and like to know who everyone is so that I know who to go to for different things. but I still believe I discriminate in different ways whether I assume something I don't know about someone or I stereotype someone because I don't wanna talk to or get to know them.

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