Tuesday, September 4, 2018

the house

                    I lived in a big white house picture the white house but on a hill it has the same white pillars out front and the look of complete abandonment out front. the drive way is long and almost straight up as you pull in the five minute climb begins till you reach the top. When you leave your car you can smell pie from the bakery down the street then you see the door beaten and off green with a missing window in the door. Open the door and you will see beat up wood floors and tons of cobwebs in every corner the wide open spaces with furniture spread out is the only way the room looks full. When you decide to take your first breath after walking inside you will taste the moisture on your tongue as the stiffness on the air makes your nose cringe.
                    what my home says about me is absolutely nothing cause the house I was raised in means nothing about the person I am today. The things that made me who I am today are the people that I grew up with and my parents no other impacts could have shaped me to be any better.
                   I believe that where we are from the actual place as nothing to do with how we are growing up and forming our own beliefs. the people around us are the more beneficial factor in how we form opinions like who to vote for what type of music we like and the choices we make. The perspective is in the eye of the beholder so people can have many types of perspectives on the same topic but the situation is seen differently from different people making a persons perspective different from mine just because the interpret the situation another way. The place where you come from can have an effect on the way you view the world around you coming from a richer more economic inclined area could make you see that culture as normal and people living under the poverty line could see that single child with two parents richer because he has two parents.



  1. I like the description of pulling up to your house and what it is like when you're there. I agree with you that people make up who we are.

  2. I liked where you said you could smell the pie from the bakery down the street.
