Friday, September 14, 2018

journal 4

" I only found out about my blerd status in the past few years. I didn't choose it . it chose me. Well, actually, it sort of rose around me while I wasn't looking." This quote explains how he becomes what he is today and he doesn't really realize it until later in life. I relate to this in some way because I don't know what I really am viewed as in society right now, but in the future I will probably look back and realize where I fit into society. Where I want to see my self in society is probably different then where ill actually be or where I thought I was at the time.

"a new generation of black people who are cool with being nerdy." this quote shows how he is knowing about the change in the world and how he accepts that he apart of it. I want to be ahead of the curve when the world comes to changing because the next major change in the world could be anything so being on the upside is important. the world changes drastically every few years whether it's culture or people or problems but everything will change due to one major movement.

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