Tuesday, October 2, 2018

alternative assingment

The topics that were explored through the two episodes that I watched were about Latinos and the police in the United States. I learned about the culture and styles of the Latinos in the east Los Angeles Area and how they live their life. I learned about how the police work in the Camden New Jersey area and how they approach every situation. Bell uses comedy to get the viewers to stay watching but also is available to make jokes with the people he is interviewing. the seriousness of the topics are nulled in a  manor of humor that still bring forward the racial topics and ideas practiced. The Latino stereotypes are brought to light but the culture that most people do not get to see like the music and art is relevant through the area.
The second episode about is the police and how they deal with stuff but they really don't start the episode targeting the wrong side of the police. the episode after they start to interview police as well as people in the area and the common people start to chew out the police. In the defense of the police the people don't give the police a chance to respond or defend them. The Police are not everywhere but they can only take a certain amount of calls with the amount of police officers they have and people can not always understand that.
The episodes are strongly related because the episodes interact between what people say and how they approach each other. The first episode is how the people believe they are profiled and that police are racist toward minorities in the Los Angeles area. While the second episode is the exact opposite of how everyone is against the police and that no one gives the police a chance if they have a problem. If people watched the show they would learn a lot about people and how each side see's everything it would have a positive effect on culture I believe.

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