Thursday, October 11, 2018

Critque #3 bell hooks

Bells quote of believe is a very true remark in todays society because of how people were raised and brought up in the world to be followers and not leaders. When I look around I see people who are to far impacted and let chose for them pop culture because they wanna fit in or not be who they really can be because who they see them selves as who they believe they are. Hooks is trying to say that pop culture is not trying to evolve the thought of equality but put everyone into categories to the point where we almost in a sense are still in the same profiling society we always have been in.

In Fight Club the whole movie is about how we can break the social norms and be free to do anything we want for the good of the people. The movie goes into a deeper and darker turn because it uses the people fear of being different and breaking rules that people have set to keep everyone down. So they essentially tear down these barriers and reset society so that everyone is almost equal but they do it on a wider scale and reset everyone on a monetary scale because money is one of the many things that keeps people above other people.

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