Friday, October 12, 2018

Fight Club

Fight Club is a movie that came out in the year 1999 that is about a character named the narrator who has come down with insomnia. He goes to see doctors and people just tell him he needs healthy natural sleep but he cant but he doesn't know why. so he starts to go to help group like groups about testicular cancer and groups about have parasites and other things after going to these meetings and crying he then can sleep. He than runs into two other Characters Tyler Durden and Marla Singer who we don't know much about just there names. the Narrator then becomes good friends with tyler they move in together and start a fight club  which a group that meets every Friday and they fight another member if the group for pure enjoyment. After a few weeks the group starts to get bigger and bigger and spread to other cities and things like that which people don't see coming. so Tyler starts what he calls project mayham which is just destruction of people everyday moral beliefs like fighting is bad and things like that. But it goes farther than that like destroying statues that show things that are bad from history or a piece of art that no one really understands. The movie goes on an entire hour about how people can tear down there own boundaries but only if they believe they can do so.

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