Sunday, September 16, 2018

Journal 5

In today's society there is a constant thought that maybe colored people could be doing something typical from there daily routine and all of a sudden there life changes due to some type of racist act. people live the same lives everyday and the fact that people live in the constant fear or prejudice that could effect the future. The fact that people of color are discriminated against and attacked in almost all walks of life is something that needs to change in society but can never be eradicated. Segregation is still prominent but some people don't even know they do whether they don't wanna talk to someone or fear them for some odd reason.
"I am afraid of cops like spiders are afraid of boots" this quote is a metaphor for a fear of living life everyday. This quote shows how bad it could people for who have done nothing wrong but are under association just because there are stereotypes that bring them down. My brothers are felons but they are not the same people they were but because they made mistakes when they were younger the rest of there adult lives.
"moms have porches so they can sit and wait" this quote is him saying how worried moms are about there children and that they have to wait some nights to know they make it home. This quote is a respect notion towards all moms out there who care about there children and the fact that teens and young adults are always being targeted and profiled. I relate to this because my mother used to wait up all night waiting for my brothers to never come home or get a call in the middle of the night that they are stuck in the drunk tank or need to be picked up from the hospital.

Image result for drug abuse
this photo is something that is relevant in my life because I know many people that have died due to over dosing. My family has very addictive genes my older brothers were all addicts at one point and they have helped themselves but they couldn't get help soon enough. I relate to  this picture because I always tell people to say no to drugs but just like this picture you can see it but the choice is really up to you to make.
So discrimination is something that people do a lot not always just towards people of color but to everyone they may not know. For example I know many of people who have not talked to someone or not excluded someone because the way they looked or acted. what I mean by this is people just assume things about people that are usually negative so that they have to go out of there way to get to know them. the people who are shy or don't wanna talk to people are the ones who assume the most because they believe everyone is against them or is not worth even associating with. I am a very talkative person and like to know who everyone is so that I know who to go to for different things. but I still believe I discriminate in different ways whether I assume something I don't know about someone or I stereotype someone because I don't wanna talk to or get to know them.

Friday, September 14, 2018

journal 4

" I only found out about my blerd status in the past few years. I didn't choose it . it chose me. Well, actually, it sort of rose around me while I wasn't looking." This quote explains how he becomes what he is today and he doesn't really realize it until later in life. I relate to this in some way because I don't know what I really am viewed as in society right now, but in the future I will probably look back and realize where I fit into society. Where I want to see my self in society is probably different then where ill actually be or where I thought I was at the time.

"a new generation of black people who are cool with being nerdy." this quote shows how he is knowing about the change in the world and how he accepts that he apart of it. I want to be ahead of the curve when the world comes to changing because the next major change in the world could be anything so being on the upside is important. the world changes drastically every few years whether it's culture or people or problems but everything will change due to one major movement.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

journal #3

I think people are over thinking the name aspect that someone's name is so important I don't believe a name is that important.
the names that are more common for African Americans were not a popular trend until 1980 which I didn't think name kids would a have a wave or trend.
the culture barrier they believe has an impact on the name we chose and how we act could effect our child's name

A name doesn't define who you are as a person what defines you as a person is what actions you make whether you decide to be a criminal or police officer its what think not what your named.
No I would never change my name I like my name its what they called my father and that's what they call me I don't think changing my name would have a direct impact on me. Things that can be tied to a bad name history like things you have done and mistakes you made will never be let go. Also stereotypes  about people with that name can have a negative impact and the way people see you.
I do agree with the authors choice to change there name because its almost like a banner or piece if clothing you wear you can always change It if you want to.

Monday, September 10, 2018

I'm From

I'm from sibling rivalries, and fighting
brotherly love , and respect
I'm from a place where all of that comes together
a place that everyone has, home
I'm from the place that everyone see's
but  that no body really pays attention to
I'm from the beaten up old house
the greatest trashed house of all
I'm from a family of many
a house hold of brothers, fathers and girlfriends present and future
I'm from a family that will accept everyone
the people old and the people new and everyone in between
I'm from a bad place with great people
a house that looks like it will fall apart at every party
I'm from the family tree where there is more welcome parties then going away
a family that is bad but full of great people
I'm from the house where you pass by and see everyone outside
the house with white chipped paint and covered in ivory
the house with everyone outside drinking, and smoking newports
I'm from the best house of all
but the house no one expects to see them selves at.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

the house

                    I lived in a big white house picture the white house but on a hill it has the same white pillars out front and the look of complete abandonment out front. the drive way is long and almost straight up as you pull in the five minute climb begins till you reach the top. When you leave your car you can smell pie from the bakery down the street then you see the door beaten and off green with a missing window in the door. Open the door and you will see beat up wood floors and tons of cobwebs in every corner the wide open spaces with furniture spread out is the only way the room looks full. When you decide to take your first breath after walking inside you will taste the moisture on your tongue as the stiffness on the air makes your nose cringe.
                    what my home says about me is absolutely nothing cause the house I was raised in means nothing about the person I am today. The things that made me who I am today are the people that I grew up with and my parents no other impacts could have shaped me to be any better.
                   I believe that where we are from the actual place as nothing to do with how we are growing up and forming our own beliefs. the people around us are the more beneficial factor in how we form opinions like who to vote for what type of music we like and the choices we make. The perspective is in the eye of the beholder so people can have many types of perspectives on the same topic but the situation is seen differently from different people making a persons perspective different from mine just because the interpret the situation another way. The place where you come from can have an effect on the way you view the world around you coming from a richer more economic inclined area could make you see that culture as normal and people living under the poverty line could see that single child with two parents richer because he has two parents.